Friday, November 30, 2012

Work it Out


There it is. THE chart.

This is hanging on my wall, in our loft. It’s a LARGE picture frame. I bought one for each of us years ago, flipped the paper inside of it over to show the white side. Now we’ve each got our own dry erase boards.

Blue and I each use our to chart weight loss and working out. Seeing it on a chart is motivational for us. The kids have their list of daily chores on them.

I’ve been eating better since Thanksgiving weekend. Having treats here and there. REALLY trying to get myself set for tomorrow. Yep it’s been 17 days since my
35 by 35 post here. Tomorrow starts the working out, and the no cheating part. So far I’ve been prepping myself, coaching myself, and here and there walking, bike riding and trying to get psyched up for this.

My goal was originally 35 by 35. Sadly after I came up with that brilliant idea, I gained a few more pounds. So it went to 38 by 35. NOW I’m back to 35… so if you were trying to do some math by my board… oh and I ran out of room for the last 4 pounds. It should go to 107 (which is what my drivers license says!) Shit, if I get down to 111 I’ll make a chart JUST for the the last 4 pounds!

A side note. PLEASE don’t freak about the numbers. Note I am ONLY 5 feet tall. My average weight for my height is 105-110 lbs.! I can’t stand it when people freak out about the numbers. I’m LITTLE and SHOULD be a little number.

SO… that being said. Here’s to me. Here’s to getting healthy. Here’s to a start of a new me getting back the old me in a new way…? I like that I’m starting a month before everyone else on this too.

Go here to my Pinterest motivation to work out, be healthy and live better!!

Work it Out Pinterest Link!

Happy Friday!

JCat McGack

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