Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sophie Gets Snug

Sophie n Buzz Nov 2011


I got Sophie to sit down in the basement with Buzz…

This is a big deal for me, because since we’ve lost our Maggie, Sophie’s sister, 7 months ago, Sophie gets lonely when we all go to the basement with out her.

IMG_3511BUT since the basement is 1/2 art room, which is heavily guarded by our two cats, Jordan and Chloe, (these two chose to decorate the rest of the house… so lets just say they found a new home.. in the art room)

And the other 1/2 of the basement is the kids toy room


Not a whole lot of room for Sophie… but like you see here, there is a HUGE futon, and MORE then enough space for Sophie to lay with Buzz while Tink is at school.


Call it a small accomplishment, sure. But I’m happy Sophie is finally comfortable hanging out down here with us… probably helped that Buzz had snacks to share…

Happy Thursday!

JCat McGack


Donuts said...

I seriously cant believe how many damn toys your are able to cram and organize in that So glad Miss Sophie is able to start snuggling with his good old pal Buzz. :)

Donuts said...

her dang it...her! :P