Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012 the big list

Her it is. The list I make every year. You know that one where I say what I’d LOVE to do to change my life, big or small.

The list that is the new me. The way I want to be. What I want to strive to be.

It’s always good to make change. I’m one of those happy optimistic people who embrace new ideas. Don’t get me wrong, I’m comfortable with the old way just as much as the next guy but you don’t know.

After searching ‘Pinterest’ for a great ‘Change’ quote. I came up with my own.  “I don’t want to change THE world. I just want to change MY world.”

Sounds selfish? Nope. Who isn’t out there to better themselves? And hoping a better me, makes a better world.

So onto the ‘list’ of BRILLIANT idea’s, thoughts and wishes for myself for this Twenty 12.

  • Weight loss. I think I’ve saved this one for last before, but let’s not fool anyone. Pretty much everyone I know has this one on their list. Speaking of Pinterest, I did find this to be quite inspiring…New me. not meAnd on the weight loss thought… let’s just say it will be it’s own blog post.
  • Milltown sales. Simple enough, but quite complicated. This Milltown is an antique mall. We rent a booth, to sell all the crap in our houses (my mom and I are in together) great idea, like a permanent garage sale. Higher prices, and we don’t baby sit it. Either way I’d rather MAKE things to sell. SO I should probably MAKE things, and SELL them. Otherwise all my great idea’s will stay trapped in my head! (dangerous place to stay!!)
  • LESS stuff. we have a messy house because we have TOO much stuff, and the golden rule of “a place for everything, and everything in it’s place” is NOT working here! It’s simple. Or it should be. Much simpler. We’ve just got TOO much.
  • Garden better. I tried two years ago to garden a TON of flower beds, in result I’ve got 5 beds… NOT well maintained AT all. To a point where I loathe gardening. I do love it, it was just becoming more of a job then a hobby. Need to make it, again, simpler. Baby steps.
  • Be nicer. Sounds easy. But since I’ve had kids, and I fought with PPD so much I just seem to snap so much more. I’m short, rude, and to the people I love most. It’s a work in progress. But always trying.
  • More art room time. Sounds greedy. But it’s what I do. Some people watch t.v. I sit in an art room with my cats and chill. I need to balance it so I get down there more, but it doesn’t take away from my family life, and housework.
  • Family time. I make this the most important thing in my life. My family of 4 gets my attention over any one else. But my wonderful family of 3 that I started with, Queen, Carrots and Frances. I have to make sure they are around me as often as I can see them. They are what made me me.

Have to laugh, after I wrote out all I want to change, about 80% of this list is EXACTLY what I said last year. Not that I didn’t do these things in 2011 but, I’m glad I’ve got goals to keep striving for.

So Happy New Year to you, hoping this Twenty 12 is good to you, that you grow and change, that you accept your life, or make it better. YOU are your own change.

JCat McGack

Monday, December 12, 2011

Who’s getting socks this year?

Sunday was the big day for our little Village of 12,000 people to light the big tree. It was an all day event where they had a bunch of great activities for the kids, cookie decorating…







IMG_3638A very cool project that all the kids said “Shrinky dinks? oh…OK”

While all of us parents squee’d  “SHRINKY DINKS!” while our minds instantly raced back to the happy days of the 80’s where everything was simple. Wishing for My Little Ponies, or Easy Bake Ovens. And while lost in our nostalgic time warp it’s quickly interrupted by a whiney kid. Bam. Back to reality.

There was a new addition this year, and it was Frosty the Snowman. The kids LOVED him. Seeing that they JUST saw him on tv the night before. LOTS of high 5’s for this guy!


Buzz was not so much into Santa, more concerned for Frosty, and those cookies he was guarding.

Tink however was ALL about Santa, she didn’t so much want to sit on his lap (creepy anyway) so I went with and we sat with Santa, she chatted away about the “Sleeping Beauty Castle” she’s been asking for for months. Thankfully I was up there and said “How about you ask for something that is NOT $70 for yet another castle to add to your princess castle land you ALREADY have”  “What else do you want?”

She then thought of her new love for LalaLoopsy toys, (phew, that’s what she’s getting… Santa told me that) she giggled at the teeny tiny candy cane he gave her. Gave him a big ol’ high 5 and said see you soon!

“See you soon” started a few questions as to “Why do we see Santa SO much? Does he live close to us"?”

I said “Santa has lots of visits to make, needs to KEEP checking on you and ALL the other kids around the world. LOTS of face time.”

Santa Mommy and Mia 2011

I have to say this is my new favorite of Tink and I. Both smiling, both with our new hair cuts. Love it.

Wished we were there a bit earlier for the horse carriage rides! But the line was long and the kids wanted to do the events inside. Next year!



We all went outside for the lighting of the tree. A group of about 40 or so people were there. Santa and Frosty, Village President, and some other political must have’s.

Little Miss Channahon and the two runner up girls were there to hit the switch for the lights.

We had to say 40 degrees was one of the warmest for the event

A good night of hot chocolate cookies, crafts, and reminding the kids about Santa and just enjoying a night of being together as a family.

Happy that the Elf on the Shelf is doing his job around our house, and so are the Santa Camera’s (simply said Smoke detectors. Think about it. They are EVERYWHERE. Schools, restaurants, stores, and everyone's homes and up ALL year for full watch!)

Enjoying them believing so whole heartedly about Santa Claus. I hope it last for a long time… rule is, when you stop believing, that’s the year you get socks.

JCat McGack

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Merry, Happy, Blessed… whatev

Tis the season to be Jolly… until you wish the WRONG person the WRONG greeting this season.

“Merry Christmas” makes the masses happy. Even those who don’t follow the whole Christ part of Christmas go along with it to please everyone who does. Even those who celebrate Hanukah or Kwanza don’t seem to bark at you when you say the wrong phrase to them, it is SO many (not all but still to many) “Christians” who get their tinsel in a tangle over this one simple phrase.

Me personally I say “Merry Christmas” BUT I also say “Happy Holidays”  but what I really mean to say is “Please enjoy your holiday with your loved ones WHATEVER you celebrate” If it’s a small baby in a barn, at midnight mass, or spinning your dreidel.

So PLEASE stop with the obnoxious “Christ in Christmas” or “Jesus is the reason for the season” crap. I’m amazed that it ALWAYS seems to be ONE religious group that shoves their point of Christmas down everyone's throats.

And while it may seem that I’m picking on just one religion (in which all honesty I am) know that I believe there is NOTHING wrong with religion, it’s wonderful. It keeps people at peace, makes their soul happy, and comforts them. Good for them.

BUT for me personally, I’m agnostic. I believe in Santa Clause and for that much the Easter Bunny. I’m NOT religious (was raised Roman Catholic) NOW I do put up a tree, a few for that matter, and I call it a Christmas tree. I put up Christmas lights, and Christmas decorations, and well for the last 33 years it’s been CHRISTMAS everything, so JUST because I say ‘Christmas’ doesn’t mean I believe in a immaculately conceived baby in a barn.

I believe in the spirit of Santa, and that drilling the idea of this fake man in a beard with elves and Santa Cameras all over the house will make my children behave better so I can spoil them with toys and gifts.

I believe in family coming together, baking together, just enjoying the season of love and joy. I love singing songs that I have for the last 33 years, and YES many religious, but the comfort of my youth in the Catholic church, and the fact that these songs bring back happy memories are why I love to sing them.

I’m NOT angry if you’re a devote Christian who believes in Christmas with Christ in it. I’m truly not. I’m all for whatever makes your heart happy. But understand that there are SO many of people like me who just. do. not. want it shoved SO far up our asses it makes us uncomfortable to be around you.

This post stems from the town I live in, and the mayor saying “In this town we STILL say Merry Christmas” and the ever so annoying villagers are all joining in ranting about how CHIRST is in THEIR Christmas, and if it’s OK to say “God” any more or “Amen to that” PLEASE stop harassing others with your religion. You are NOT a Christian when you bully others with YOUR ideas.

You’re a Christian when you treat others with love and respect, the way your Christ would want you to.

Happy Holidays to you and yours, may your holiday (whatever it may be) be filled with love, joy, friends, and family,

JCat McGack

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chop it off and own it.

A day that I thought I was running Tink to Quick Care to check out an ‘ear infection’ that she was sent home from school for, ended up being “She’s FINE!” in and out of the doctor in 15 minutes, and $25 wasted on a visit.

I thought I’d make my visit to J-Town worth my while and called my Mom, the Queen, who was in town as well. She was just finishing work, and was on her way over to the doctors to visit with Tink and I.

We headed out to a late lunch at Taco Bell and Tink (again) brought up she wanted her hair cut short. She was inspired by her American Girl doll Kit.


She has long hair, down to the middle of her back. The Queen said she’d pay if Tink really wanted her hair cut, and off to the nearest Hair Trimmery we went.


We pulled it back into a pony tail and CHOPPED it off. After a bit, The Queen said she’d pay for me too to get a trim… well lets just say my ‘trim’ took my hair from this…

Me Thanksgiving 2011

To this…


Chopped it off 2011

So off with our hair. Both of us chin length. We walked out acting like rock stars. Chatting all the way home about our new short hair.

Soon after we were home, something changed. She broke down and said she HATED her hair. She cried, and screamed that she wanted it all back. Sobbing, and being angry at her new look, I was crushed because I couldn’t fix it. I then went into my own hate for my hair, as my hair takes FOR.EV.ER to grow back.

Tink on the other hand had this same hair cut last fall and it grew super long in a years time. I couldn’t break down over my short hair in fear that I would upset Tink even more. I reassured her that mornings would be faster getting ready, no more tangled hair, and we could SO use all her super cute hair clips.

I know with a blow dryer, and a round brush I can perk mine up, and I always say it’s how you rock your look. Own it.

It may take a few days for us to really ‘rock our look’ with the confidence that we should. I do think a bit of hair shock is going on right now around our house.

While we are still in shock over our hair, after some chatting, she said what if we had twin clothes, twin everything to be the same. It was a boost of confidence, from my 5 year old little girl. So I guess chopping off both of our hair was a good idea. We are in this together, short hair and all.

Hoping our confidence comes through sooner then later, and we do what we always do, rock our look, and own it.

JCat McGack

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Photo Card

Snapshots Of Family Holiday
Turn your family photos into holiday cards this season.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, December 5, 2011

To Do List (in no particular order)

  • Return movies to the library (Ramona & Beezus and Wall-E)
  • Straighten up the hall closet, it’s getting a bit avalanche-y.
  • Put away the books in the front library room (Kids make a pile when they are done. I am a bit OCD on where the books go back on the shelves)
  • Pack up Lucy’s stuff, she’s going home today! (my in-laws cat has been here all weekend)
  • Vacuum Buzz’s room (Lucy’s room over the weekend) and take his stuff from Tink’s room back to his (yes I had both my 3 and 5 year old in the same room for 4 nights. INSANITY!)
  • Dishes, and pick up the kitchen table.
  • Laundry. Pffftt.
  • and if I’ve got nothing else better to do, fold the 3 loads in the loft, put away the 3 baskets of random crap, and sort the bin of summer clothes (keep or donate)
  • All while entertaining a 3 year old, and Sophie the boxer.

So there you go. Enjoy my list, I’m going to go enjoy some coffee, and eggs. Then procrastinate some more, and then start my list of todo’s!

Happy Monday!

JCat McGack

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


‎I miss u n ur crazy family. U def a genuine person n if we went fifty years without speaking I know we'd be able to pick up right where we left off like always! Oh n ur the best Tinkerbell ever!!

I’m usually annoyed by this game on Facebook. It’s where you message a number to someone. And they post a comment on their page, with just the secret number you sent them. To say how they really feel about you… I guess it’s not that annoying if you play. Fun to see your number come up.

I gave #78 to a good friend. Someone who once was a co-worker of my husband and mine, and I continued to work with her years later. This comment made my night.

I’ve always said, to be a true friend of mine. You need to understand that I will build a relationship with you. Either over a coarse of one night, a few months or years. IF we do not speak for years, but come across each other, and can just pick up, as if it was last week when we last visited. I KNOW you are a true friend to me.

So to you my dear friend…

Your honesty has always made you one of my favorite people. You accept me for me. You hold a place in my heart, with all my other pick right back up friends. Long live the Empress Cage Crew!!


Me Time


I don’t function with out it. Not sure how anyone can. Needless to say I LOATHE when people say “I don’t have the time”… yes. you. do. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. It’s what YOU chose to do with YOUR day, is what makes the difference.

I have to say, hearing people say “I don’t MAKE the time” is a big difference, the the prior statement. It’s admitting that you COULD make the time. They just don’t. At least they admit it.

I have this rule. Me first.

Sounds incredibly greedy, and selfish. Especially for a mother of two. Well if you don’t take care of yourself, I think, especially for me, it shows in how I mother, how I treat my husband and others, and how I feel over all.

I suffered with Post Partum Depression, most of the time, with out even realizing it. It wasn’t till after my son was born, 22 months after my daughter, I realized I might have issues. I never did see anyone about it. Never took medication. I used the self help of calling one of my closest friends on the planet. (and who has put up with me for 28 years) Maternal Mirth (who is a VERY awesome witty blogger) has 3 kids, and twins on the way. From someone who was a single mom at 19, I’ve taken her raising kids advice before I had kids myself.

She talked to me, taught me to blog, to be a better writer, a calmer person, to take the time and write it down. I did. I chose to write notes to Blue when I was crazy PPD. Notes he still has. THOSE helped me. (even though looking back I was a babbly idiot, but what ever worked, I did.)

Alright, back to the subject. If you think I’ve got it easier because I’m a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) your wrong. I’m not saying ‘Me Time’ has to be hours of baths with a glass of wine, or spa days away.

What do I consider “Me Time”…

  • Blogging. (can be done with 3 year old around. You may proof read it 8 times, because you keep getting interrupted)
  • Commenting, reading blogs (also may need to be read 8 times… but you can usually sneak in a post or two)
  • Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Shutterfly. All internet crack for me, BUT. Do not think I sit on the internet all day. I allow myself treats of 5-10 minute breaks, either between laundry, dishes, floors, bathrooms… it’s a reward for me.
  • T.V. shows. (I don’t have a TON of shows, I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays that I love to watch my shows)
  • Reading a book. (Gasp. YES one made of paper. I take a few minutes to sneak in a few pages of whatever book I’m reading)
  • Exercise. (This one for me is not really FUN Me Time, but it’s about Me, so I guess it could be in this list)
  • Baths. (Necessary. Hot bath. About 45 minutes. LEAVE. ME. ALONE. Blue KNOWS it’s been a rough day for me, when he comes home and I’m headed for the tub)
  • Extensive “Me Time” is when I get to go out with my mom, we go shopping in her downtown area (cute little shops where 3 and 5 year olds are frowned upon)
  • Or when I get to chill with my bestie, J. She and I could hang out and chat for HOURS, after being on the phone for HOURS, and still could talk for more HOURS, but it’s usually 2 am by then!
  • Scrapbooking/Painting/Drawing… ANY form of art is “Me Time” now this one I REALLY get the line “I NEVER HAVE TIME TO DO THAT!!” from people. Again, you MAKE the time to do what you like, what YOU want.

I have to say I love to do so many of my “Me Time” activities with my kids, reading, exercising, painting… it’s taking the time to do things BY. YOURSELF. makes you sane.

If you work, and yes I did for years. You can make “Me Time” too. Read on your lunch, paint on your lunch (I did, and everyone at work thought I was nuts. But a much happier then them nut!) get up earlier then you do. I swear by going to bed earlier, and getting up 45 minutes before the kids (not saying I get the whole 45 minutes kid free) makes a difference. Find that time, carve it out for you.

I personally have hobbies. Sure my kids have activities, and school, and I love spending time with my husband and family, but I don’t want to wait till my kids are grown, or I’m ‘retired’ to start enjoying MY hobbies. 

Balance is key.

I don’t quite have that yet. I some days spend more time creating then cleaning, or cleaning then creating. But in the end it all works out.

Take some “Me Time” for yourself. You would be AMAZED at how much better your day goes, how much better you feel, and how much better you treat people.

Have a “Me Time” day!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bullet style randomness

Nothing says a good post like being jacked up on coffee with no breakfast. This will be one of those bullet style posts… to much to say, to much caffeine in system to focus for more then a sentence, and GO…

  • I forgot to eat breakfast today. Damn internet kept me away… somehow I managed to make coffee and feed the kids and pet though?
  • I am a Shutterfly whore. LOVE them, LOVE their many coupons, LOVE I can use them all at once, LOVE their books and prints. Especially around the Holiday’s I am ONE with them. Daily.
  • I’m so coffee jittery right now when I pause to think of what to type, I do that finger tapping thing, where I don’t push the keys but I just tap them… anyone else?
  • IMG_1573
  • Linked my Twitter account @JCat_McGack to my FB page… pretty sure that will annoy people soon… but I’m not one to care… maybe…
  • Excited I’m not tied down by a deadline today. Wednesday I was finishing up my BFF’s birthday present, a tote bag from her old t-shirt, and yesterday I was a zombie, but I still managed to spend 6 hours with Shutterfly to make a book, pick out my 75 free prints, make another project, and save a shitload of $$ my coupon crazy friends are proud.
  • Shutterfly save
  • I’ve been blog shopping. Not for a me personally, but for ones to read. I’m thinking I’ll be checking into SITS girls more often again, need more fuel…
  • On that note, I’m happy to say my dear friend of 28 years has started blogging again. For the love of the blogosphere, there was a hole in our universe when she left…Maternal Mirth. Glad she’s back.
  • I wish people would leave comments HERE on my posts… sigh… need to get blog friends to comment, can’t seem to rely on the real world people from Facebook no matter how many times I post my blog there… wankers. (unless you’re a FB friend and were going to comment… your not a wanker…)
  • I need to clean Buzz’s room. There are toys everywhere… but I also dumped out a basket of clean clothes (2 months ago) and have yet to pick them up. We just get him dressed from the floor pile. (don’t judge.)
  • I hope the Leappad’s we bought the kids are as cool as we think they will be. The only bad thing is they go by battery (BOOOOO) I bought rechargeable ones, but thinking we will break down and buy (yes separate) the wall plug
  • Leapad picture both

bought Buzz the green one with Toy Story 3, and Cars game, plus a $20 app credit.

Tink is getting purple/pink one with Tangled game, and since she’s in school she gets Mr. Pencil game. (they can share them) and a $20 app card for her too.

  • Oh my Cannon point and shoot that I’ve had for 9 months has no flash… that is awesome for night time, and indoor pictures. For paparazzi's sake, someone just buy me a nice camera already. Sigh.
  • Excited to host Christmas this year for Blue’s family, small gathering of about 30 people… yikes.
  • Now getting stabby… must eat… early lunch? Late breakfast? A bit of both…

Happy Saturday, leave a comment. Pffftt.

JCat McGack

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sophie Gets Snug

Sophie n Buzz Nov 2011


I got Sophie to sit down in the basement with Buzz…

This is a big deal for me, because since we’ve lost our Maggie, Sophie’s sister, 7 months ago, Sophie gets lonely when we all go to the basement with out her.

IMG_3511BUT since the basement is 1/2 art room, which is heavily guarded by our two cats, Jordan and Chloe, (these two chose to decorate the rest of the house… so lets just say they found a new home.. in the art room)

And the other 1/2 of the basement is the kids toy room


Not a whole lot of room for Sophie… but like you see here, there is a HUGE futon, and MORE then enough space for Sophie to lay with Buzz while Tink is at school.


Call it a small accomplishment, sure. But I’m happy Sophie is finally comfortable hanging out down here with us… probably helped that Buzz had snacks to share…

Happy Thursday!

JCat McGack

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Messy Pee Pee and Poo Poo

This story is for the SITS girls, they are doing a wonderful giveaway with Clorox Bleach, giving away a $750 Canon Rebel Camera *wipes drool from mouth*

Here is the info you need to know…

I received information about Clorox’s Bleach It Away campaign and am sharing my messy moment for the chance to win prizes from The SITS Girls. To learn more about the messy moment program, check out  Sharing your story on the Clorox fan page gets you entered for the chance to win $25,000 and daily prizes, and you can grab a coupon for Clorox® Regular Bleach.

With all that being said, I went blog surfing and found my best messy story to share…

Pee Pee and Poo Poo

June 2009

Potty Training: Day 3

This is insanity.

I repeat. Insanity.

Tink is 3 years old and I am desperately trying to potty train her and I think we are close to ‘getting it’. We are at a point where she is NOT holding it in for 3 days, like she has done in the past. SO I consider any effort to pee either on the potty chair or on the floor as progress.

Mia 3 potty devil

BUT while trying to potty train, I still must attend to the almost 14 month old crazy man, we call Buzz. He’s a good boy, but let’s just say I’m quickly learning how boys are so much different then girls!

Buzz was awake from his nap, and before I go up to get him from his crib I as Tink if she has to go potty. (since this will take a few minutes to be away from her, and she hadn’t gone yet on the potty today) She said, ‘No’ No? You sure? Try one more time? Ok, I will be RIGHT. BACK.

So I go up the stairs, to get Buzz, I can hear him in his crib, talking to his toys. I open the door to a nudist.

Diaper removed. Full of I walk into the room,  the diaper bomb is tossed over the crib rail to the floor with a gross thud.

The boy is covered, and I’m talking covered in poop like camouflage paint. His hair, streaks on his face, legs, and chest. (the toys were spared by being tossed out of the crib earlier in the attempt to nap)

Then while my mouth is still agape *note there is no shock here, this is nothing new, Tink was a pro at the dirty diaper dumpling art work, in her early days. But it’s still a jaw dropper at that*  the little guy smiles at me with all 5 of his little teeth, does the crazy baby head shake (we all have seen it)

Then, he stands up to the rail, sticks his little penis out the bars and pees on the carpet.


I shit you not, while all the poo grenade diaper flinging, crazy head shaking, and random carpet watering is going on, Tink is down stairs screaming...


Jeez o' Pete, really?! You have GOT to be kidding me… Right now?

So I look over at Buzz and think he’s contained in his crib, and he can't really make to much more of a mess can he? So I BOLT down the stairs to see Tink getting ready to go potty.

She is squatting, such a proud moment… till I notice she’s next to the potty chair peeing on the floor.

... sigh...

Thanks kids. What a way to start out the morning. Believe me that is first date material right there, now I just need to scrapbook it to make it complete.


JCat McGack

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I took a bath… I day dreamed…

I've got idea's... good ones...

I day dreamed about my dream home. It will have a two story library... FILLED with books, and magazines. The first and second floor will be open to each other. The second floor with a wrap around hallway, a winding stair case to get to it. It will be in the front of the house and will have a HUGE bowed out window on the first floor that will also be on the second. The second will have a bench seat with a table. Like a nook, to read or write in. The fist for two BIG chairs. 

On the second floor there will be a bathroom right off the library... so I can take a bath and read of coarse! 

This is when you walk in the front door, one of the first doors in the hallway... go down the hall to see the sun room, where the breakfast nook with some chairs for lounging are at. To the right is my amazing kitchen, details to follow...

Off the kitchen is my art room... I dream of a two story art room... so now this room is the length of the house front to back... it will have FLOOR to ceiling windows in the front and all over the room for the best light an artist could want. The front of the room will be a HUGE table, so big it has a space in the middle for me to sit on a stool, or to display... like the art room in High school... it will be in sections. The front area here, will be all pink... white and pink... black floor through out.

The walls will be covered in white shelves, drawers and nooks. This will be were all paper, accessories, fabric and tools will be stored. Beautiful and right where I can see it all. Mostly paper crafting on this floor...

The back, still with windows, but this area will be purple in color. My favorite. It will host another large desk but about the size of a HUGE dining room table. This is MY desk. Where I will create and work. My counter behind me for tools...

I dream of along the outside wall of screens... little holes... made for cats... where they can come and go... from the art room to their room... their room? Yes next to the art room will be a screened in (with windows to close when it's chilly) but this area will be where my cats love to lounge... see I'm allergic... and it wouldn't work to have the cats in the whole house... but this room is SO big, and two stories, plus the cat/sun porch that they have MORE then enough freedom.
The sun room off the art room will be teal in color... it will have a small kitchen off of it. That is for the art room and for the sun room to use... a bathroom as well... this room is for day dreaming, for relaxing, for time outs. This room will have a spiral staircase in the corner... it will go upstairs to a beautiful porch. This porch will have a hammock, And more space for relaxing... going BACK into the art room, the second floor now.

The kids will have their section up here. Where they can create, paint, discover and make. This will be where I can paint, work with clay (oh my kiln is up here too!) paper mache' and make messes!

There will be a regular staircase of some sort to get from floor to floor in the art room... not sure where yet... 

Go back downstairs, through the sun room, and in the sun room is a door to outside... where there is a patio... off that patio there is a garden... a fairy garden, a beautiful garden full of humming birds, and butterflies. Where lightning bugs dance at night, and lights are in the trees.

There off the patio is a stair case down... down to the deck where the crazy family lives. Where you leave the world of creativity to the world of family, fun and relaxing....


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


If you’ve been keeping up here, you know that recently we (my family and I) found out about an App for iPad users to speak for them. To get up to speed check out this post and come back… I’ll wait here…

Now that your up to speed, and you realize that it’s been 15 years, yes HALF of my sisters life has been silenced by her muscle disorder. Dystonia.

Until today.

The 4 of us piled into the van (it’s an hour away to our destination). It’s a Cat family adventure. We’ve taken MANY of these adventures, they are Frances adventures, for almost 6 years we searched for what was wrong with her, and after finding out the one word ‘Dystonia’ we then searched for a cure… there is none, but that didn’t stop us from our adventures. We went on to search for more knowledge of it, how to adapt to it, how to work with it, and how to make it better.

For YEARS, we insisted Frances would talk again. We knew she would. Our brains just wouldn’t let us think she wouldn’t. We tried Botox injections in her neck… not with a hard needle, but a soft bendy needle that she needed to have put in about 5-7 different injections around her neck. It was so painful she would squeeze my hand, I quickly learned to take off any rings. (after she squeezed my wedding ring right into my finger)

After a year of Botox injection, she was clear for DBS (Deep Brain Surgery) surgery, now years after the surgery, Frances is better with her Dystonia. Better as in she’s not twisted, bent over and contorted to the left at all times. But her ability to eat and drink is extremely difficult. Do me a favor… next time you try to eat or drink… don’t shut your mouth… you have to tilt your head, take miniature bites, and sips, and hope not to choke… that is how Frances eats and drinks.

And her speech is silenced.

Again, until today.

We walked into the Apple store. None of us owning anything newer then a iPod with a wheel on the front. Touch screens, and sliding screens, teaching my parents what an ‘App’ is (I’ve got a cell phone from Wal-Mart's pay monthly company) so it was ALL new to us.


As we all touched, and poked at these new machines, we laughed about how cool we were with our Apple II E WAY back in the day, and besides my iPod that is 4 years old, these are the ONLY two things we know about Apple.

apple 2e

We were greeted at the door by Megan. She was amazing. HOURS with us. Going over the Proloquo2Go app (they had one uploaded at the store. So we really got to see what this app was about) Megan has a cousin with Autism, so this was perfect. She knew this app well, and knew a site that had many other apps that talked for you, some under or around $5.00 too.

You could see that she knew how much this all meant to us.


It was between an iPod, or the iPhone… we were almost SURE we would pick the iPhone for Frances, it’s smaller, easier to carry… but she gave us a look and said no. And iPad is what she wanted. Bigger screen, easier to touch, and bonus the screen is so big our parents don’t need their reading glasses to read what Frances has typed (if she’s not going to have the iPad read it out loud)

please be quiet 2011

I was SO excited for her, and I mean PUULLEEASSE, you KNOW I’d love to have an iPad myself, I tried to say I needed one too, just to help her learn to use it… that fell quickly on deaf ears.

So I did what I do best. Talked, and tried to take the iPad from my sister to show her what little I knew about it the app that I had googled online.

She promptly took it back. Gave me the finger. And quickly found the ‘Please be quiet’ button on the Proloquo2Go App… sigh. Well I wanted her to communicate so that is what I get!!

After hearing Frances talk through the app I looked at my mom with tears running down my face. She too was crying, and my dad was smiling. My sister had a grin from ear to ear, and that was when Megan and a manager started to hug us. They realized that this was not just a new toy for someone. It was changing a life.


It didn’t take long for us to quickly decide that this was it for Frances!

An iPad, Proloquo2Go App, a book like case to cover it.

I have to say we were amused at how fast it was to buy at the Apple store! You don’t go to a register, Megan had a small phone like device, slid the credit card right there, and my mom signed with her finger!

It doesn’t take much to entertain us, and this store, from it’s layout, to the devices in hand, the amounts of people pouring in to be helped and the HUGE amount of people working. It was a whole new world for us. And we were falling in love fast! (I was for sure!)

Now we, as in my parents and I. We’ve waited SO long to hear again what Frances was thinking. Blue has also never heard Frances. But we all probably agree the two people we want her to talk to… more than anyone… is Buzz and Tink.

Tink has already spent 5 years not hearing what Frances has to say, and Buzz 3.

It’s been hard for her to communicate with my kids. They can not read so her written, or typed out words were useless to my two, and with little and or no communication between them, their relationship was not what we all had wanted. Tink and Buzz love their Aunt, and talk of her often, they ask why she doesn’t talk, and I’ve explained. They accept her for who she is. And I’m hoping that they don’t remember the times when they couldn’t communicate with her.

So after a LONG day on our adventure, we come home, Tink and Buzz went crazy with questions to Frances. All we could do was smile and enjoy the conversation…

Frances talking to Buzz and Tink for the first time.

It was a huge day in our family history. I’m hoping to be interrupted, and told what my sister really thinks. I mean just think. ALL these years I’ve been the one doing all the talking. Jeez, I’m tired already. It’s time for Frances to have a voice.

Today was a day that we all know didn’t fix Frances’s voice, but what it did do is set her free.

JCat McGack

Halloween... in pictures...

We all know we love the blog posts that are full of fun pictures, and less words. Gives our brains a break. So here's our Halloween... in pictures... and few words...
Buzz doesn't attend school yet, so the library 'Story Time' was his party. He thought it was the best party. Ever. 

 Tink (the littlest blonde in the Snow Princess outift) was SO excited that I was a room mom for Halloween, she was awesome with her girlfriends, ALL princesses of some sort (what are the odds that her and her good friend Bella were BOTH Snow Princesses?) This makes me SO happy to see her with friends!
 I was 'Wonder Mom' simple, yes it tells you something. I'm awesome...
I spent about 4 hours with the above supplies to make the below Frankie boxes. YES I love paper crafts so the hours of work didn't bother me. It didn't matter that the kids destroyed them to get the candy out. The 8 room moms that were there saw them, and loved them and that's all that matters. 

We started this tradition with Blue, he likes to paint the pumpkins, so we thought the kids would too. And what kid doesn't LOVE to paint a mess all over a pumpkin?!

Blue painted the enemy team on his pumpkin. A Green Bay Slacker. And then after posing with the hammer we thought multiple steak knives through the head was a better idea... (note pumpkin was then moved to a VERY high shelf away from the kids)

 This little guy was starting to get soft, so I went all creative on him... cutting one hole for some fangs, and adding two thumb tacks... by the next day his lid caved in and the one tack eye was all mushed out.
 This was my big project. I love to carve this way and went with a BIG funny face...
This one was WAY easier then last years carving project...
See inspiration... Sophie...

See pumpkin that took me 3 hours and 2 pots of coffee!

So after a long October of being sick, we did enjoy the last week and a half of events. Hope your Halloween was safe, and full of more then enough candy!!

Jcat McGack

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Puffy face, throat closing allergies

You’ve GOT to be kidding me… so I go in for my allergy part of testing the other day. This involves needles…

First she swabbed down my back with alcohol, then numbered ALL over my back 1-25. These needles were like little pinches all over my back.

skin test back

(not me ^)

Each needle with a different thing I could possibly be allergic too. Leave it on for 15 minutes… Dr and nurse came back in and checked them all. I was allergic to none of these.

She said the second part of testing is on my arms… more needles. And she said these would hurt. 6 in each arm. Needle needles. Each one filled with more allergy possibilities.

arm allergy test

Again, alcohol on the arms, numbered 1-6 on the right. and 7-12 on the left… these needles HURT damn it. And instead of 12, I got 13 since one hurt so bad I jumped back and had to get it again.

I sing the Oscar Meyer Weiner song when I have to give blood, I sing (and I do not sing well) because I’d swear like a sailor otherwise. Takes my mind off of it, sort of, and it makes the staff laugh. So if I can make people laugh while they stab me repeatedly, bonus.

15 minutes again… man some of them itch… that can’t be good… whatever #6 was… I was sure I was allergic, the puffy circle was really red… and most of my left arm itched… oh this should be good.

Dr came in with nurse again, and she asked me if I was scratching all over my arms. I said I didn’t touch them. She seemed surprised. Great, so I’m SO allergic to these things it looked like I helped out the red process?

So I know your dying to know what I’m allergic to, so here’s the list (in order of least dramatic to most traumatizing to me)

1. Mold- as in outside plants, like the rest of the free world… whatever, this does suck because I enjoy gardening, but I wear my good gloves, and will just take some allergy meds OTC, and call it a day!

2. Dust mites – Well that’s just gross. And after reading this blog on them I was even more grossed out. One of those things you don’t want to know, but now that you do it’s STUCK in your head


And I know everyone has them in their homes. But thanks to the doctor for giving me details on the fact that they eat our dead skin cells, and now I’m allergic to them and their feces. Yummy.

3. … it’s hard to type… I cried all the way home… it’s not allergic like I’ve got to get rid of something… but it’s allergic like I need to NOT be so close to it… it’s my Sophie. I’m allergic to dogs?


This breaks my heart. I was told she couldn’t sleep with us anymore… but it helps her get over the loss of her sister, Maggie…Maggie and Sophie sepia

I made it one night with her on the couch and she was so sad the next day. She thought she did some thing wrong. I can’t do it to her. And until I have horrible allergic break out reactions I won’t make her sleep anywhere else. She’s 7 years old, and boxers don’t live much past 9. I won’t hurt my Sophie. I won’t. She sleeps with me. Allergies or not.

4…. #6 now this one is weird. I’ve lived my WHOLE life surrounded by these. I’ve never had issues, and I know allergies can just show up after years. But it’s hard because I’ve always wanted to work with them… Cats of all kinds are my favorite animals, and that hard. I started going to school to work as a Vet Tech. I mean I LOVE cat’s. Here are my two.


(My Chloe and Boobie MaGee)

My parents have ALWAYS had at least 3 since I was little, and they still do. Meet the current residents of the Cat family.

Annie Bananie… she’s probably my favorite, and yes I have favorites, she was bought when I was in High School and still lived at home, so she’s still a part of my history… and she likes me.Annie and Me. 07-11

Sassy (Sassafras) who was my Grandma’s cat till she passed away and is now adored by my sister… Sassy once hated me, but she’s come around to tolerating me. I can pet her, and take her picture, so I’ll take that. I think since Miss Abby came along she’s passed along the ‘Hate JCat’ torch to her…



And this is Abby… or Abacus the Evil to me. She HATES me. LOATHES me. When I walk in my parents house she is ANGRY. Hisses, spits, swats. And Siamese are NOT shy, she chases me around! Not my kids, Blue, or anyone else but me. Oh Abb… someday you’ll love me… so see I’ve got fuzzy friends ALL over the place so I just can’t avoid them!

Doc says I just need a Hepa filter for my art room where the cats live. I just worry… will I some day break out into puffy face throat closing allergies around my two favorite things? I mean when all my babies are gone am I going to have to stop having pets? Go back to my love for reptiles?

I mean I loved my turtles, iguana, gecko, newts, toads and frogs but they are SO different then the love you get from a dog or cat.

Until I break out in throat closing, puffy face allergic reactions I will forever snuggle and kiss and hug my fuzzy babies. I love them, and they love me. They rely on my love to get through the day, and I know I rely on theirs.

After all my tears, sadness, and my pity party for one over this news, I thought the thought I do every time I feel sick, or have bad health news.

“Someone out there is worse off then you.” and I know that I’m lucky to have the few issues I do. So I’ll take my asthma, and my 4 allergies. I’ll take them and be thankful for who I am.

JCat McGack